The Last Hope: Glial Cells Attacking SARS-CoV-2 Infected Neurons Danielle Beckman/Morrison Lab NeuroArt Contest 2022 1st Place
The Last Hope: Glial Cells Attacking SARS-CoV-2 Infected Neurons by Danielle Beckman, Ph.D./Morrison Lab
NeuroArt Contest 2022 1st Place

CNS Announces NeuroArt Contest 2023

Calling all Neuroscientists at UC Davis:

We are looking for your most beautiful images and art (includes all mediums) that represent your research! (Don’t be restricted to anatomy!) Every kind of data can be beautiful and can make for appealing art. Enter your favorite images and/or pieces of art in the Center for Neuroscience’s NeuroArt Contest 2023 today!

Contest Rules and Prizes:

  • The deadline to enter the NeuroArt Contest 2023 is noon on February 14, 2023.
  • Images should be a minimum of 600dpi and typically larger than 15MB (higher resolution is preferred); email submission(s) to
  • You may enter up to six submissions; please include the following information for each submission:
    • Your name
    • Lab name
    • Image date (year only)
    • Title of the image (should be brief and creative)
    • Brief description of the image (1-2 sentences)

  • The NeuroFest committee will select the top eight NeuroArt Contest submissions, which will be displayed at
    NeuroFest 2023: 
    Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Science of Brain Health on March 18, 2022.
  • NeuroFest attendees will vote for their top three NeuroArt Contest 2023 submissions; winners will be announced the week of March 20, 2023.
  • The Center for Neuroscience will offer three prizes: $300, $200 and $100. This will be a named prize that can go on your CV!
  • The NeuroArt Contest 2023 winners will be installed at the Center for Neuroscience. Submissions may also be used on the CNS website, marketing materials and prints throughout our buildings.  
  • For more information, email Kimberly Cummings at 

Primary Category